Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hero by Alethea Kontis

Hero by Alethea Kontis is the second book about the Woodcutter sisters. This book focuses on Saturday, the second-youngest.

When Saturday Woodcutter accidentally calls an ocean into being where her front yard used to be, she finds herself on the adventure she's always dreamed of. With her enchanted sword in hand, she faces pirates and sea monsters and a sly and irritable mountain witch who takes her captive, mistaking Saturday for Jack Woodcutter, the brother Saturday thought was long dead. Also held captive by the witch is a young man named Peregrine, whom the witch thinks is her dutiful daughter (the witch has lost her eyes, leading to all of these cases of mistaken identity). Can Saturday and Peregrine escape the witch's clutches without waking the dragon that slumbers beneath the mountain? And does romance have to be part of the adventure?

I'm really enjoying this series, which takes storylines from various fairy tales and legends and combines them into the lives of one large family. Saturday's story is more of a typical fantasy adventure and less of a fairy-tale mashup than Sunday's story (Enchanted) was, but it's still a fun read with intriguing bits and pieces of fairy tales tossed in, no doubt to be expanded upon in future volumes. And I, for one, can hardly wait to read them!

(Reviewed from a copy borrowed through my library system.)

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