Friday, May 4, 2012

Clouds of Witness by Dorothy Sayers

I've been in the mood for mysteries lately -- a change of pace from all of the young adult, dystopian, and fantasy I've been reading lately. I pulled Clouds of Witness off my shelf, thinking it was the first book in the Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy Sayers. (It's actually the second book; my copy of Whose Body? doesn't fit in with the rest of the mass market paperbacks, so it lives on a different shelf. I'll go back and catch up on reading that one eventually.)

In Clouds of Witness, Lord Peter and Bunter are returning from a trip abroad, only to discover that Lord Peter's brother Gerald, Duke of Denver, is accused of murder. Who is he said to have murdered? Denis Cathcart, his sister Mary's fiance. And Gerald refuses to provide an alibi for the time of death. It will take all of Lord Peter's skill to extricate his brother from this mess -- without implicating his sister, whose story about her actions that night also has a few holes.

I read all of the Lord Peter books in high school and college, and that's been long enough ago that I have forgotten the plots of many of the books, so I am enjoying them again! Lord Peter is one of my favorite detectives in literature -- I'll even admit to a small literary crush -- and the other recurring characters (Bunter, Parker, the Dowager Duchess) are like old friends as well. I'm looking forward to rereading the rest of the series!

(Reviewed from my personally purchased copy.)

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