Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis

Aventurine is a headstrong young dragon who doesn't understand why she should have to stay in the family cave for another 30 years waiting for her scales and wings to grow strong. When she sneaks out one day in search of a little adventure, she gets more than she bargained for: a food mage gives her a cup of hot chocolate that turns her into a human girl. Being a human makes her feel both frightened and angry, but on the other hand, she has discovered her passion: chocolate! Since she feels that she can't go back to her family in her new condition, she makes her way to a human city, and seeks out a chocolate house where she can learn more about her new obsession. Of course, it's not as easy as all that -- and what will happen when her family discovers that she is missing?

Guaranteed to make you crave chocolate in all its forms, this book is much more about chocolate than about dragons, though of course they do play a key role, and I'm guessing that they will feature more prominently in the sequel. This book wraps up the story without major cliffhangers, but there's definitely more to be discovered in Aventurine's world. Recommended to readers of middle grade fantasy.

(Reviewed from an advance copy, courtesy of the publisher.)

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